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Welcome to the NEW Selene Owner's Website!

Mark D Tilden

New Site Home Page
Welcome to the new Selene Owner's Website!

We are excited to welcome you to the new Selene Owner's Website. The old site is still accessible here: 
and will remain accessible until we've moved the posts from the primary forums to this new site. We hope that will be completed by mid September.In the mean time, please explore. Many of the functions are similar to what we had before--especially in the forums. Just as you did on the previous site, you'll be able to subscribe to receive email from the forums and you'll be able to respond to posts via email.

PLEASE NOTE: Your login credentials from the old site will not work on the new site. You will be receiving new temporary credential in a "welcome" email. Login to the new site with those credentials. You will be asked to change the username and password when you login with the temporary credentials. You can then set the username and password to the same ones you used on the old site if you want to.

Subscribing to Forums

One of the first things you'll want to do after you login is to get your subscriptions to the forums setup. You can read and post to the forums from the website (if you're an owner and logged in). You can also elect to receive postings via email and even submit replies or new postings via email. Please take a few minutes to watch this 15-minute introductory video that describes how to use the forums and setup your forum preferences:

What about Guests?

The old Selene Owner's website allowed guests to register for an account and gave guests access to the main forum and several other functions of the site. We are committed to continuing our "open" policy because we know that many people who are interested in Selenes come here to learn more. Unfortunately, the Club Express software we use now does not allow us to create "guest" users. However, the main forum is now publicly accessible without even logging in. Anyone can read the posts. If you are a guest and want to post a question or comment on one of the public forum posts, there's a special "Visitor Question" button in the forum that will allow you to submit a posting. You're required to provide some contact information, but that information is used solely to notify you of the status of your posting. It is not included with the posting or shared with others.

New Blog Functionality

The new site allows us to host blogs directly on the owner's site. Many of you have cruising blogs that you've used to document your cruising and share great stories with friends. Now you can do that directly on the owner's site. Best of all--it's free for those of you who are members of the association. You can decide whether your blog should be publicly available or private to only other owners on the site.
If you'd like to start a new blog (or move an existing one), please contact for more information and to get started.

Improved Photo Gallery Functionality


The new site also has a photo gallery function similar (but hopefully a bit easier to use) to the old site. We'll be posting photos of the various Selene events here, but you can also add owner photo albums. If you'd like to create your own photo album on the site, please contact

Where's the Selene Map?

At this time, the new site does not include the "Selene Map" functionality that we had on the old site. We hope to move this functionality to the new site, but we have to pay for custom development to do that and we wanted to avoid delaying the new site's launch waiting for that to complete. In the mean time, the old site's map functionality will continue to work and when we get the map functionality moved, we intend to "import" all your old position reports to the new site.


If you have questions, feel free to drop us a note at: Please be patient. Everyone who staffs the website are volunteers and we go cruising too!