Selene Friends:
At last...all the postings from the two busiest forums on the old Selene Owner's website have been moved into corresponding "archive" forums on the new site.
You'll find all 15,000+ postings from the old main forum are now available in the "Main Forum Archive" forum. The postings from the "Owner's Only" forum are available (again, only to owners) in the "Owners Only Forum Archive" forum.
Both are searchable, so you can check those forums for postings on your topic of interest.
We decided to make them "archive" forums, so they are read-only. You can't post new messages in those forums, but you can copy/paste text if you want to quote something from the archives into a new posting.
Also, note that there are some strange characters in the text of the old postings. This is an artifact of some of the issues with the old site (and part of the reason I wanted to get us off that software). We did our best to "clean up" some of those characters, but there are still some oddball stuff in the archive posts. In most cases, they shouln't obscure the meaning of the messages.
For the moment, the old site will continue to remain available at:
This is primarily to keep the software running that collects and stores position reports for the Selene Map (which continues to operate). I recognize that some of you new owners won't be able to start using this functionality since we are not allowing any new accounts to be created on the old site. We're going to be talking (even today at our board meeting) about a plan for the Selene Map functionality.
Mark Tilden
Selene 60 "Koinonia"